DM over!
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Surely, God answered my prayers.
Yes, at last Disturbances in Metabolism concept is over! After 4 days of lecture its finally done and I'm happy with my score in every quizzes and long tests. But I'm also sad because I'm gonna miss my C.I., I really like him... because he's really intelligent, kind, and wafo (slight) Hahaha.
Yes, at last Disturbances in Metabolism concept is over! After 4 days of lecture its finally done and I'm happy with my score in every quizzes and long tests. But I'm also sad because I'm gonna miss my C.I., I really like him... because he's really intelligent, kind, and wafo (slight) Hahaha.
Anyway, this coming sunday... we'll be having an exam all about drugs, treatments, and surgeries about DM! Hopefully, I will have a good score too just like my quizzes. But I know God will help me. Thank You, Lord!!
Friday, July 25, 2008